Defense of Baptiste Lecoutre's thesis
Thesis defense of Baptiste Lecoutre PhD student in the Quantum Gas group of the Charles Fabry Laboratory.
Find upcoming events organized by or at the Optics Institute.
Thesis defense of Baptiste Lecoutre PhD student in the Quantum Gas group of the Charles Fabry Laboratory.
A review of the latest photonic innovations in partnership with the Forum de la Photonique.
Defense of the thesis of Hector Monin, PhD student in the Nanophotonics group.
Defense of the thesis of Ziyad Amodjee, PhD student in the Quantum Gas group of the Charles Fabry Laboratory.
2nd edition on the theme: "Special optical fibers and future applications".
A valorisation awareness day will take place at the Institut d'Optique on 27 February 2020.
PhD students course given by Weikai Xue, Biophotonique research group. 1
Andrea Bertoldi soutiendra son HDR le jeudi 19/12/2019 dans l'amphithéâtre Ducasse de l'Institut d'Optique d'Aquitaine sur le sujet "Interferometry
LIESSE training aimed at teachers of Classes préparatoires « Arduino and technology shifts »