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Recruitment From University Streams

L'Institut d'Optique Graduate School offers three recruitment tracks from university to its engineering program:

1) Recruitment specifically for IOGSR (Institut d'Optique Graduate School)

The IOGS recruitment procedure accepts any candidate with 120 ECTS in physics at the L2 level (including candidates from BTS and BUT tracks with or without ATS, L2, and L3, and candidates from the TPC track) to enter first year, or candidates with 180 ECTS in physics (M1 level) to enter second year. This procedure also includes two special programs:

  • An agreement with the Institut Villebon-Charpak (IVC) of Paris-Saclay, permits facilitated admission into the first year for candidates recommended by IVC teachers. If admitted, these candidates must take enhanced mathematics and physics courses at IVC before joining IOGS.
  • An agreement with Télécom Saint-Étienne permits facilitated admission of candidates with the Diplôme Universitaire CITISE (Initial Cycle of Télécom Saint-Étienne), at the L2 level.

2) Shared GEI-UNIV Procedure 

The shared GEI-UNIV procedure, managed by the GIP Concours Commun Mines-Ponts, includes 15 engineering schools and accepts candidates from university pathways at the L3 level (for admission into the first year) and at the M1 level (for admission into the second year).

3) Procédure « passerelle »

The "passerelle" procedure recruits students from the University Paris-Saclay in their 2nd and 3rd year of the dual-degree Bachelor's in Mathematics, Physics, and Engineering Sciences (Orsay and UVSQ campuses) and students in their 2nd and 3rd year of the joint-degree Bachelor's in Physics and Chemistry.

Recruitment Specifically for IOGS

Application Files

Application files for the 2024 intake are now available. You can download them from the left column.

General Recruitment Process 

Completed application files must be submitted to the administration by Thursday, April 4, 2024. Candidates will be informed if their application has been shortlisted from Friday, May 3, 2024.

Candidates whose files have been shortlisted by the jury will be invited on Monday, May 13, 2024, for written examination (mathematics, physics, English) and, if eligible, for oral exams in mathematics and physics and a motivation interview on May 14, 15, 16, and 17, 2024. The exam program (including past papers) can be downloaded from the left column.

 If applicants are interested in an apprenticeship, they are invited to present an offer at the motivation interview explaining what they are considering applying for.

Admission Proposal and Admission Process

The jury will establish a list of admitted candidates and a ranked waiting list. The lists will be published on Wednesday, May 22, 2024.

Candidates on the waiting list will be informed of any openings as places become available for their admission.

Admitted candidates who wish to choose an apprenticeship pathway will receive offers of apprenticeship contracts from companies. They will be able to apply through the CFA SupOptique as soon as they are notified of their admission to the school.

Candidates from the Initial Engineering Cycle in Telecommunications at Saint-Étienne (CITISE)

The Institut d'Optique Graduate School and CITISE have reached an agreement regarding admissions based on academic records. The Institut d'Optique commits to specifically reviewing applications from CITISE, based on recommendations from CITISE teachers.

Complete applications from these candidates must be submitted according to the procedure outlined above by May 5, 2024. They will be automatically invited to take written and oral tests (mathematics, physics, English) and motivation interviews. They will be exempt from registration fees for these tests. The Institut d'Optique will admit a maximum of two students through this pathway.

Contact and questions:

For more information, contact:

Shared GEI-UNIV Procedure

One candidature online for l'Institut d'Optique Graduate School and 14 other grandes écoles

  • €110 application fee applies to all schools.
  • Written exams will be held on a single day in 11 regional centers: Aix-en-Provence, Angers, Bordeaux, Brest, Châlon-en-Champagne, Lille, Montpellier, Nouméa, Paris, Saint-Étienne, and Toulouse.
  • Oral exams and specific interviews for the Institut d'Optique Graduate School will take place on the Paris-Saclay campus from May 13 to 17, 2024.

Online Candidature

Contact details about the candidature procedure:

To contact the Institut d'Optique :
01 64 53 32 09

Candidature details for masters and L3 students:

Oral exams for L3 students will take place in Palaiseau from May 13th to 17th, 2024. Students must schedule their exams using the dedicated platform between May 6th and 7th, 2024.

For M1 students, oral exams consist of an in-depth 'motivation' interview. Successful M1 candidates will schedule appointments within the same time slots as L3 students, or earlier if they have scheduling constraints related to their internships.

For the motivation interview, if candidates are interested in pursuing an apprenticeship, they are encouraged to present a job offer they are considering applying for.

The jury will compile a ranked list of admitted candidates and a ranked supplementary list. The lists will be published on June 14th, 2024.

Candidates on the supplementary list will be informed of available places as they become available. 

Admitted candidates who wish to pursue an apprenticeship will receive apprenticeship contract offers from companies, and can apply through CFA SupOptique as soon as they are notified of their admission to the school.

Application notice available on the GEI-UNIV website:


Bridge Program Procedure


Candidature depends on the candidate's registration for specific IOGS recruitment procedure and, in particular, payment of the application fee.

Candidates must explicitly indicate their intention to participate in this recruitment procedure and provide the additional documents listed below, exclusively to the following address:, no later than Friday, March 22, 2024.

The following supporting documents must be provided:

  • Two letters of recommendation sent directly by their authors: one of these letters must be written by the candidate's current academic advisor.
  • A letter of motivation written by the candidate.
  • Transcripts from the baccalaureate (high school diploma) onwards.

Based on these documents, the jury will draw up a list of candidates selected for the motivation interview. This is followed by a list of candidates put forward for admission subject to the completion of the current year of study. Motivation interviews will be held until April 26, 2024. The results of this procedure will be communicated as they become available.

Candidates who are not selected through this procedure may, without prejudice or additional fees, continue to participate in the IOGS competition (written and oral exams), subject to the conditions described by recruitment procedures.

Any contact or questions? Please contact:

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