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Support For Apprentices With Disabilities

You can initiate the support process either before signing your apprenticeship contract or during your training. In addition to the dedicated support provided by the disability contact person, you will find in the left-hand column the guide "Apprenticeship and Disability" and other resources at your disposal. Please do not hesitate to consult them!

Academic and training accommodations for engineering apprentices with disabilities or health conditions are implemented through a six-step process, as outlined in the figure below.

Step 1 - Declaration Or Detection Of Disabilities

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First case:

The apprentice contacts the disabilities team by email during their registration. The contact information for the team is provided on IOGS communication materials (website). An appointment is offered to the apprentice, either on-site at IOGS or via video conference, according to their preference. A third person may be present if needed (sign language interpreter, etc.).

Second case:

The apprentice reports their disability during their course to a member of the teaching or supervisory team, who then informs the disability contact person. An appointment is offered within 48 hours to the apprentice, either on-site, by phone, or via video conference.

Step 2- Individual Meeting- Specific Needs

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The primary objective of this meeting is to determine if any adjustments to teaching methods are necessary for the apprentice. The meeting is a one-on-one between the apprentice and the disabilities team. The latter creates a list of necessary accommodations based on the needs expressed by the apprentice, supported by medical certificates if needed.

If the apprentice wishes to provide additional information to the teaching staff, this information is also taken into account during the meeting.

[Note] The additional third of the exam time is granted upon medical recommendation (certificate) except in exceptional cases.

This meeting also aims to inform the apprentice of the resources (documentary, legal, medical, etc.) that could be useful for them to complete their education under the best possible conditions. In particular, information is provided on the RQTH procedure (Recognition of the Quality of Disabled Worker), if applicable.

Step 3- Decision- Educational accommodations

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The disabilities team, working closely with the academic director, will do their best to arrange the accommodations requested by the apprentice. If necessary, a meeting may be held with the supervisory and technical staff to discuss these accommodations. A follow-up meeting with the apprentice may also be scheduled.

A document outlining the specific accommodations for the current academic year will be prepared by the contact person, the year coordinator, and the RAEVE person.


This document, titled "Academic Accommodations," will detail arrangements such as:

  • Extended time for timed exams
  • Authorized absences from classes
  • Provision of materials in accessible formats
  • Use of computers during assessments
  • And more.

The apprentice will be asked to sign this document, along with the academic director and the disabilities team.

Step 4 - Information Distribution

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The disabilities team shares the 'Academic Accommodations' document with:

  • Teaching staff
  • Support staff (technical, academic)
  • The apprentice's academic tutor
  • The CFA's program coordinator

This document is shared through a secure 'course space' on the eCampus platform. This space, managed by the disabilities team, serves as a central repository for all academic accommodations provided during the year.

Step 5- Potential Workplace Accommodations

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With the apprentice's consent, a meeting is scheduled with the apprenticeship program coordinator. The purpose of this meeting is to:

  • Assist the apprentice in finding a suitable apprenticeship company, considering their disability, before the contract is signed.
  • Inform the apprentice about potential steps to secure workplace accommodations, either before or during the apprenticeship.

With the apprentice's permission, the apprenticeship coordinator will contact the relevant Skills Operator and encourage the company to consult with the occupational health physician. The physician may recommend:

  • Individual adjustments to the workstation,
  • Or modifications to the work schedule, if necessary due to the apprentice's health condition.

Step 6- Monitoring and feedback collection

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The accommodations are reviewed annually during a meeting between the apprentice and the disabilities team. This meeting also allows for a discussion of the previous year.

With the apprentice's consent, the apprenticeship program coordinator and the company are notified of any updates or changes to the accommodations and of the outcomes of the annual review.

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