Séminaire du laboratoire : Dimitry Yankelev du Weizmann Institute
- Séminaire (général)
- Evénement scientifique
Séminaire donné par Dimitry Yankelev du Weizmann institute à 14h00 en salle S2.9 sur le sujet suivant : "Atom interferometry techniques for improved sensitivity, stability and dynamic range".
Cold atom interferometers are among the most sensitive instruments in measuring inertial forces, such as gravity, gravity gradients, accelerations and rotations. Robust operation of atom interferometers out of the lab is generally challenging due to limited dynamic range and sensitivity to changes in the environment. We experimentally demonstrate new interferometric schemes and analysis tools aimed at overcoming those limitations and expanding the usefulness of atom interferometers at field conditions.
First, we realize full-quadrature phase-detection with a single atomic ensemble [Yankelev et al., PRA 100, 023617 (2019)], allowing phase retrieval at maximal sensitivity and bandwidth. Second, we dramatically increase the dynamic range with negligible sensitivity loss by slightly varying the interferometric duration