Séminaire du laboratoire LP2N
- Séminaire (général)
- Evénement scientifique
Séminaire donné par Hanna Le Jeannic le 24 mars à 11h dont le titre est : "Hybrid systems for quantum light-matter interaction".
"In this seminar I will present my current and previous works which revolves around the use of hybrid systems for quantum technologies. Indeed, if incredible progress has been made to master individual quantum systems today which enabled the tremendous progress made in quantum computation (Google, IBM), it is becoming more and more obvious that there is no ideal quantum platform, allowing to achieve everything. As a result, more and more studies are resorting to the hybridization of systems, to overcome their intrinsic limitations, and to develop new applications.
I will talk here about the thematic of hybrid interfaces, starting with the problems posed by hybrid qyantum networks and my PhD work on the subject, and continuing with the use of hybrid systems to achieve efficient light-matter interactions. In particular, during my post-doc I worked on the coupling of single quantum emitters with light for ultra-efficient light matter interactions and giant nonlinearities.
Finally, I would tell you about my research project here in LP2N, which is this time about the use of a hybrid system for detection."