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FAQ Apprenticeships

This page is dedicated to frequently asked questions about apprenticeships. It complements the other pages about apprenticeships (Links) "Devenir apprenti·e", "Etre apprenti·e" et "Témoignages d'apprenti·e·s". 

As you consider your options, keep in mind that an apprenticeship at SupOptique offers a unique opportunity to experience engineering as a student while gaining valuable real-world experience through alternating study and work. Despite all its advantages, choosing an apprenticeship is a significant decision that comes with its challenges.

More questions? Contact us directly at:

Question-Response For Apprenticeship Candidats

This page provides answers to your frequently asked questions. For more information, please visit the pages titled 'Becoming an Apprentice', 'Being an Apprentice', and 'Apprentice Testimonials'. (links) "Devenir apprenti·e", "Etre apprenti·e"  and (link) "Témoignages d'apprenti·e·s". 

Do you not find the response to your question? Contact our recruitment team directly at:


Quand commence l’apprentissage ? When does an apprenticeship start?

The apprenticeship program begins in the first year and spans three years. An information and recruitment campaign is launched at the beginning of September. In exceptional cases, apprenticeships can also start in the second year (two-year contracts). It is not possible to start an apprenticeship in the third year.

Qui est concerné par l’apprentissage ? Who is concerned by an apprenticeship?

The apprenticeship program at SupOptique is open to all students of the School, regardless of their admission method. Your application will be reviewed by companies who decide which apprentices to hire.

Quel diplôme l’apprenti•e se voit-il délivrer à la sortie de l’Ecole ? Which diploma is obtained upon leaving school?

Apprentices prepare for and receive the same "Engineer of the Institute of Theoretical and Applied Optics" diploma as all other engineering students at the school.

Comment est trouvée l’entreprise dans laquelle les apprentis travaillent ? How is an apprentices' job found?

The Institut d'Optique Graduate School and its apprenticeship program enjoy an excellent reputation among companies. A prospecting campaign allows us to offer apprenticeship candidates a diverse range of options, from startups to large companies and research laboratories (CEA, ONERA, CNRS, etc.). Candidates may also find their own company. However, it is imperative to contact us ( before starting the application process.

Comment fonctionne concrètement la formation par apprentissage ? How does an apprenticeship work in the real world? 

The curriculum is structured to alternate between on-the-job training and classroom instruction at the school. The work-study program is organized in blocks of weeks, allowing students to complete their apprenticeship anywhere in France. The program is very similar across all three campuses

An alternating work-study schedule allows apprentices to take on project responsibilities in their first year and gradually transition to the workload of a full-time engineer by their third year. It ensures that all engineering students acquire a common foundation of knowledge, including fundamental concepts.

In first year, the second semester is entirely dedicated to apprentices. The pedagogy developed during this semester is "innovative" while maintaining the same academic content and objectives as the courses taken by students in the "classic" track. In  second year, apprentices are grouped in pairs for practical work. In third year, optional courses in November and December are inaccessible due to the work placement.

Throughout the program, specific courses are offered that are linked to the work carried out in the company, covering both scientific aspects and "transversal" skills. A one-month training period (around March) in the third year focuses on project management, intellectual property, law, and other related topics.

For more information follow the following link: "Etre apprenti·e"(Being an apprentice)

Comment s’organise le suivi du travail en entreprise ? How are students accompanied during time in companies?

Throughout their program, apprentices are supported by a company-based apprenticeship supervisor and an academic tutor at the school. This dual supervision ensures the quality of the on-the-job training.

Quel est le statut de l’apprenti•e ? Comment est défini le salaire ? Qu’en est il des vacances ? What is the statut of an apprentice? How is their salary defined? What about holidays? 

Under French labor law, which governs apprenticeships, apprentices are considered employees of their host company. Time spent in school is considered part of their working hours. As employees, they receive a salary with minimum rates set by law based on their age and level of education. Moreover, apprentices are entitled to paid leave.

For more information, check out the french government's portal for apprenticeships (link) portail de l'alternance du ministère du travail.

Une expérience à l’international est-elle requise ? Is international experience required? 

Apprentices must complete a 9-week international placement during their program. This placement must be taken during their time in the company. It is also possible to complete this international placement at a partner university during the first semester of the third year (see general information about international opportunities),subject to the company's agreement to modify the work-study schedule (which is generally not a problem). Important: it is not possible to complete an entire year abroad, and while the semester abroad in the third year is a valuable experience, it does not lead to a degree from the foreign university.

Quels sont les parcours accessibles ? les doubles diplômes ? What courses are accessible? What about joint degrees?

All 'school' specialization tracks in the third year are accessible to apprentices (with the exception of optional courses in November and December).

Additionally, some Master's programs (M2) are available as dual degrees (see general information on masters), allowing for specializations in physics, photonics, or signal processing. In this case, a modification to the work-study schedule is necessary to switch to a fast-paced rhythm (alternating between school and company during the week), and it is essential that the company assignments align with the themes of the Master's program.

An updated list of all accessible tracks (engineering tracks + dual degree M2s) can be downloaded, links opposite.

Dual degrees with ESPCI and HEC are also possible, but the second part of the curriculum takes place at the end of the apprenticeship, after the third year. Finally, certain Master's programs, as well as the dual degree with ENS Paris-Saclay, are not accessible due to the incompatibility with the work-study schedule. For more details, please visit the 'Becoming an apprentice' page. (link: "Etre apprenti·e".)

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