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Enrolment And Re-enrolment To PhD Programs At The Laboratoire Charles Fabry

ADMINISTRATIVE ENROLMENT in PhD programs ACADEMIC YEAR  2024-2025 from the 1st September 2024 to 30th November 2024


The LCF is linked to the EDOM and EOBE Doctoral Schools:

EDOM doctoral school:

EDOM’s administrator: Nadia CHAPITEAU (ISMO, building 520, 4th floor, door 0.09: 33 (0)1 69 15 75 26 / 07 64 01 63 86,

EDOM’s deputy director, contact for LCF’s PhD students: Kamel BENCHEIKH (C2N in Palaiseau:

EDOM’s website: EDOM's website

EOBE doctoral school:

EOBE’s secretary: Julie DELEGRANGE tel. 33 (0)1 70 27 03 47 (C2N, « Pôle formation », 10 boulevard Thomas Gobert in Palaiseau, offices RC02 and RC03 on 1st floor, staircase on your right after entering the building)

EOBE’s website: EOBE's website


The pedagogical registration is done annually via your doctoral school.

The administrative registration is also done annually. Since 2020, the Université Paris-Saclay registers all the PhD students, including those located at Institut d’Optique Graduate School.

The registration / re-registration is done online (the forms will be accessible after your registration on the « ADUM » website)

All doctoral fellows must create a personal space on this site:

The registration / re-registration has administrative and scientific aspects.

The scientific aspects are managed by the theses advisors and by the principals of the doctoral school. The administrative aspects are managed by the Schooling Department.

Find online the reference documents relating to registration or re-registration.

They are common to all doctoral schools (doctoral charter, internal regulations of the doctoral college, waiver forms on the duration of theses, etc.)

Any doctoral-specific documents are available on the doctoral school’s website.

N.B.: To facilitate the process, doctoral students are advised to start filling in their applications online from 1 June. In particular, they can start the signature process with their thesis director and the director of their research unit.

Registration process in 1st year of thesis:

The first enrolment in a doctoral programme takes place between 1st September and 30th November of each academic year, in line with the signing of the employment contract or the start date of the financing. Please note that you will need to be registered or at least admitted to register in order to sign your employment contract. Exceptionally, the first enrolment in a doctoral programme can take place until 31 May of the current academic year.

Documents to provide:

  • Permission to register form
  • Individual doctoral training convention
  • Doctoral charter


After the first year, the re-registration takes place between 1st September and 30th November of each academic year, in all circumstances, including late registration during the fisrt academic year.

It is advisable to start filling in your application online via ADUM from June 1st.

The doctoral candidates enrolled in an international joint supervision of doctoral thesis (cotutella), must be enrolled each year in the two doctoral programmes by the two partner higher education institutions. They must register at Université Paris-Saclay at the beginning of each academic year, even if they stay in the partner country for the coming year and even if they benefit from an exemption of the payment of the registration fees according to their international cotutella agreement.

The doctoral candidates non-re-registered before 31st December will be considered as having dropped out of their doctoral project.

Documents to provide (2nd year):

  • Permission to register form
  • Individual doctoral training convention, if there have been any changes

3rd, 4th year and beyond:

Please refer to Paris-Saclay University website

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