Theses legal deposit
The legal deposit in electronic form is compulsory at Paris-Saclay University. The purpose of the legal deposit of the theses is to allow an exhaustive collection of theses defended making their conservation possible.
The diffusion of the document as validated by the jury "within the institution "in accordance with the provisions of the decree of August 7, 2006 relating to the filing, reporting, reproduction, dissemination and conservation of theses or work presented in defense for the doctorate.
In addition, Paris-Saclay University, through the Institut d'Optique Graduate School, offers PhD graduates a free service to enhance the results of their research.
Deposits, must be done within 3 weeks before the defense, and allow the Institut d'Optique to fulfill its obligations:
- Secure long-term storage of theses files on the servers of the Institut d'Optique as well as on the CINES national servers.
- Assign a fixed (permalink) URL to the thesis file (s), which facilitates their bibliographic referencing,
- Creation of a bibliographic record describing the thesis (including abstracts and key words),
- Transfer of the notice in the catalogs or databases selected by the Institut d'Optique, ensuring an optimal dissemination of the thesis.
After the defense, the thesis is flagged in various catalogs, including the national catalog of theses (Sudoc, University Documentation System).