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ELS Chair

Photonique Ultime Chair

ELS Chair

Associated with a partnership research program, the Master's degree is the "Embedded Lighting System" chair, mainly supported by the two major French automakers, Renault and PSA, and by two major world-class equipment manufacturers, Valeo and Automotive Lighting. The ELS Chair is essentially based on the Education pillar with its "Advanced Master Programme" and its Continuing Education activity. In 2018, a new impetus will be given to the Chair, with a new focus on research and innovation via an ELS/FIE program.
Philippe Jaillette, holder of the chair at the Institut d'Optique, is piloting the partnership research activities that will enable companies to face up to fierce competition. Chairing the steering committee and the chair's scientific and pedagogical council, he ensures, alongside the head of teaching Patrick Leserf (ESTACA) and his deputies Gaëlle Lucas-Leclin (Institut d'Optique) and Mike Levy (Strate - École de Design), the success and development of the training programme.

In addition to the technologies promoted by automotive lighting manufacturers such as ADB, laser, LIDAR, etc., the Research section of the Chair meets a need for academic work and studies in the field of automotive lighting in France. Drawing on the areas of expertise of the Institut d'Optique, ESTACA and Strate École de Design, the research programme has been built around new lighting functions in terms of performance, safety, design and acceptability. Indeed, in the age of digitalisation, where light in addition to its primary lighting function also provides a means of communication, the Chair aims to provide the automotive industry with an ecosystem to answer specific questions on the photometric, psycho-visual and cognitive performance of these functions.

Photonique Ultime

In March 2015, the Institut d'Optique Graduate School launches a research and training chair called Photonique Ultime  (Ultimate Photonics). Supported by Safran, it is dedicated to the most recent advances in nanophotonics and quantum optics.
Optics and photonics are omnipresent in our daily environment, from the moment we need to detect, transmit or process information. In this field, recent developments in nanophotonics and quantum optics open up radically new perspectives, the implementation of which requires an increasingly thorough mastery of all the physical properties of the interaction between matter and radiation.
This chair, jointly held by Philippe Grangier, Research Director, and Jean-Jacques Greffet, Professor, both researchers at the Institut d'Optique Graduate School, within the Charles Fabry Laboratory, will enable progress in understanding:
- plasmonic nanoantennae for photonic devices,
- of quantum cryptography in integrated photonics,
- non-linear interactions between individual photons.
The targeted application areas, such as detection by optical sensors and MOEMS for infrastructure security, optical data networks for avionics or industrial photonics for process monitoring, are strongly impacted by advances in optics and photonics.


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