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Lab Work

TP de photonique

The Institut d'Optique offers scientific teaching of advanced technologies in optics and photonics. A large place is given to experimental training, inseparable from a high-level theoretical training.


Practical work represents, with projects, 30% of the engineering and master’s training. An Experimental Teaching Laboratory (Laboratoire d’ENSeignement Expérimental - LEnsE) is dedicated to this.


Subjects are constantly renewed, enriched and closely follow the most recent advances in research in all fields of optics and modern photonics.


The Institut d'Optique Graduate School is the only engineering school in the world that offers its students very high-level practical work in the field of quantum physics (source of entangled photons, saturated absorption), instrumental optics (adaptive optics, phase shift interferometer,...), lasers (holography, interferometry, optical parametric oscillator,...) and photonics (optoelectronics, optoelectronics). .. ) or in the field of optical telecommunications (Erbium-doped fibre amplifiers, 10 gigabit/s digital transmission).


A pedagogical website is entirely dedicated to lab work.

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