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Apprenticeship tax (companies paying taxes in France)

Apprenticeship tax (companies paying taxes in France)

What is the apprenticeship tax?

The apprenticeship tax represents 0.68% of the payroll of companies in France.

87% of the amount of this tax is paid to the OPCOs. Companies can freely choose to allocate 13% of the amount. This is the only tax for which it is possible to choose the recipient(s).

Why pay your apprenticeship tax to the Institut d'Optique ?

The Institut d'Optique is the School of Photonics in France and the world's leading center for training, research and entrepreneurship in photonics.

Your contribution will enable us to improve our experimental work facilities (lab work), the spearhead of training, to introduce new teaching tools and to welcome faculty members who are in direct contact with the world of work and companies.

The apprenticeship tax is an obligation but you are free to choose how it is spent.

More information (in French)

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