Equality between Women and Men
The Institut d’Optique, as every higher education institution, must ensure an , and especially between women and men among students and staff members.
Two contact persons on gender equality have been appointed, they are in charge of implementing actions and procedures in order to prevent gender discrimination.
Against sexist and sexual violence
These actions include the creation of a structure to struggle against sexist and sexual violence (SSV). This structure is intended for students who have been victims or witnesses of SSV. The contact point is the email address stopHS@institutoptique.fr which is read on a regular basis by Palaiseau’s and Bordeaux’s psychologists and one of the two gender representatives.
Writing to this address will allow you to report a situation, you will find an attentive listening as well as advice in complete privacy. If necessary, and always with your agreement, other people (including the other gender representative, the contact person on discrimination/handicap, students’ representatives, or administrative staff) may be consulted.
More informations
Information concerning this structure are available by clicking on this link
Template of the document that will be filled in during the first appointement is available by clicking on this link.
You will find practical information on the following websites :
- Palaiseau : https://www.universite-paris-saclay.fr/vie-de-campus/lutte-contre-les-discriminations-et-les-harcelements
- Bordeaux : https://www.u-bordeaux.fr/Universite/Universite-ethique/Egalite-femmes-hommes/Harcelement-et-violences
- Saint-Etienne : https://www.univ-st-etienne.fr/fr/universite/egalite-femmes-hommes.html