Since 2002, the Directorate General for Armaments (DGA), then the Defence Innovation Agency (AID), has been rewarding young PhDs who have received a thesis allowance funded by the DGA for the excellence of their work. Theses are selected on the basis of their strong interest for the scientific community, the level of disruption in research and the quality of the results obtained.
This year was again marked by the high quality of the work proposed. Among the 3 researchers, Baptiste Fix, who graduated in SupOptics in 2015, was awarded the prize by the Minister of the Armed Forces and the Minister of Higher Education, of Research and Innovation for his thesis in photonics "Nanostructured diodes for infrared detection by two-photon absorption" carried out at ONERA under the direction of Riad Haidar (SupOptique Alumni 1999, Director of Physics at ONERA, Deputy Director General for Education at the Institut d'Optique Graduate School).
Today, Baptiste Fix is in charge of the ONDA (Opto-electronics of Nanomaterials and Associated Devices) laboratory at ONERA.
Congratulations to Baptiste Fix!