Information Coronavirus
- Institut
- Institut d'Optique
Informations et recommandations
All the answers to your questions about the Coronavirus COVID-19 are on the French Government website (in French).
We are currently at stage 3 of the Government's action plan to prevent and limit the circulation of the virus.
Health instructions (These instructions may change depending on the situation)
For people in or returning from an area where the virus is circulating:
- Monitor your temperature twice a day;
- Watch for symptoms of respiratory infection (coughing, difficulty breathing...);
- Wash your hands regularly or use a hydro-alcoholic solution;
- Avoid any contact with fragile people (pregnant women, the chronically ill, the elderly...);
- Avoid frequenting places where fragile people are present (hospitals, maternity wards, nursing homes, etc.);
- Avoid all non-essential outings (large gatherings, restaurants, cinemas...);
- Workers/Students: you can return to work if there are no symptoms;
- Children, college students, high school students can be sent to the nursery, school, college or high school.
On the other hand, certain measures that are more restrictive for cluster areas are to be applied, i.e. the inhabitants of the municipalities concerned by the clusters must in particular limit their travel and favour teleworking whenever possible.
In case of signs of respiratory infection (fever or feeling of fever, cough, breathing difficulties) if you live in an area where the virus circulates or within 14 days of returning from an area where the virus circulates :
- Contact Samu Centre (the French health emergency platform) by dialing 15 and inform them about your symptoms and your recent travel.
- Avoid any contact with your family and friends.
- Do not go to your doctor or to the emergency room to avoid any potential contamination.
Do I have to wear a mask?
Wearing a surgical mask is not recommended in the absence of symptoms.
How can I protect myself from the coronavirus COVID-19?
There are simple steps to protect your health and that of your family and friends:
- Wash your hands very regularly
- Coughing or sneezing into your elbow or into a handkerchief
- Greeting without shaking hands, avoiding hugs.
- Use disposable tissues and discard.
Travel Instructions :
- Missions abroad, as well as personal travel, outside the European Union or in risk areas in Europe should be postponed as much as possible, unless there is a proven necessity.
- In application of these instructions, missions of Institut d'Optique staff and students planned within the European Union (outside risk areas) may take place and will be authorised in the usual way.
- Missions and travel to risk areas in Europe (Italy: Lombardy, Veneto and Emilia-Romagna) outside the European Union are suspended.
In case of fever or feeling of fever, cough, difficulty breathing :
- Contact the SAMU centre - the French emergency health platform (call 15) reporting the symptoms and recent stay in the Exposure Zone;
- Avoid any contact with those around you and keep your mask;
- Do not go directly to the doctor or to the hospital emergency room to avoid any potential contamination.
Travellers coming from the Hubei region remain subject to the previous restrictions: 14-day quarantine, checking the temperature twice a day, wearing a mask for essential outings, ...
Moreover, we remind you that have, at your disposal :
the government information site (in French)
the travel advice of the Ministry of Europe and Foreign Affairs (in French)
WHO - World Health Organisation - FAQs
A toll-free number (0 800 130 000) has been set up by the Ministry of Solidarity and Health, open 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. However, this telephone platform is not authorized to provide medical advice, which is provided by the SAMU-Centre (dial 15)