The University of Paris-Saclay was created on January 1, 2020 on a vast territory undergoing change, with a new academic organization.
- An updated first cycle based on the École Universitaire de Premier Cycle Paris-Saclay, a true internal school of the university devoted to disciplinary bachelor's degrees, professional bachelor's degrees, DUT and DEUST, and Double-Diploma bachelor's degrees in 3 years.
- Engineering diplomas (AgroParisTech, CentraleSupelec, Institut d'Optique Graduate School) and institutional diplomas (ENS) awarded by the component institutions, which retain their legal and corporate personality.
- Fully pooled graduate training (master's and doctorate), provided by the University of Paris-Saclay.
This training is organised around 17 thematic Graduate Schools and an Institute of Light Sciences. The graduate schools are coordinated groups of master's degrees, training and research programmes and doctoral schools. They bring together teams whose activities are organised around a well-defined theme, discipline or mission. Their objective is to make the degrees, graduates and research activities visible and valued at the national and international levels, and to develop synergies and pooling between the players in the perimeter.
These disciplinary melting pots, which are always essential in research and innovation, are joined by interdisciplinary actions that are sources of innovation, business creation and value creation. The Institute of Light Sciences was created to federate the research, training and development activities carried out in the field of optics within five different graduate schools. They are at the heart of the graduate schools of physics and engineering and play an essential role in the graduate schools of chemistry, life sciences, and environmental and climate sciences. Everywhere, the Paris-Saclay teams contribute to scientific advances.
In this context, the Institute of Light Sciences is an institute without walls that was created to promote synergies between the teams of the different graduate schools and contribute to their influence.
Its vocation is to :
- support research projects and theses that cut across the graduate schools,
- promote the valorisation of research,
- develop an international relations policy
- and organize cycles of doctoral courses and conferences.
Its mission is also to promote relations between the university, the major organisations (CEA, ONERA, CNRS) very active in the field of optics and the industrial fabric very present in the area with Thales, Horiba and numerous start-ups.
The Charles Fabry laboratory at the Institut d'Optique is a major player in the Institute of Light Sciences, coordinated by Jean-Jaques Greffet, University Professor at the Institut d'Optique.